CHECK THIS OUT: The Moon photobombs the Sun as NASA watches! ? ? ?

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) continuously watches the Sun – unless something like the moon gets in the way…
The SDO watches the Sun to monitor its atmosphere and the effects it has on areas close to the Earth. That is, unless, the Moon photobombs it!
As Moon the drifted pass the sun, it created a very clear and distinct shadow. This is because the Moon hasn’t got an atmosphere like the Earth does, which would affect the Sun’s light.
The picture is bright green since NASA was looking at it through a special green lens which can only see ultraviolet rays (UV).
These rays are emitted by the Sun’s very hottest parts, which at 5,000,000 degrees Celsius! They’re so bright, the human eye can’t even register them – which is why they need the special green lens.
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Image credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/SDO/Joy Ng