“The world has a lot of history to it and we could just waste it by being careless. Also, it is currently affecting many places and animals. Plus raising water levels by melting icebergs is causing natural disasters.”
“I support the environment and animals deserve to be treated fairly because no humans get chained up.”
“We need to save the world from pollution but people just don’t get it. They just think it’s a joke!”
“If we do not look after our planet, then it does not matter what happens in the politics side of things, because us and all the living things around us will be dead.”
“We need to save our planet so people don’t die of climate related problems.”
“I want to be able to go outside and have real fresh air, not polluted air from diesel fumes.”
“Pollution is an important and pressing issue because, if we can’t save the environment now, then what will there be for future generations? ”
“Humans could be losing a planet to live on.”
“We are learning about this at school and it has come to my attention that population levels are rising continually, which means that the world is becoming even more polluted and at the moment we are not doing enough about it.”
“Without looking after our planet, everything else is irrelevant.”
“With Donald Trump as president, we need someone else’s help with our pollution fumes!”
“I want to stay with fresh air to get closer to the best way of living. We need our voices heard more than ever.”
“I do not want animals to become extinct and bees are endangered. I would like the government to protect animals.”
“It is affecting the world around us and is a serious issue that shouldn’t be brushed aside. The air is becoming toxic and not-breathable.”
“It is important because our planet will be so heavily polluted, that we will find it very challenging to survive because of pollution and climate change.”
“The environment is important to me because if we look after the environment the animals will have better habitats and they will not be extinct so quickly.”
“People and animals in the world are suffering from this.”
“Our generation, my generation and generations after me will not live enjoyable lives because the older generations would have left us with the mess of the world they made, so I think the environment is the most important issue right now, because we can’t live without it.”
“I agree with keeping green spaces by limiting housing developments. An important issue for me and why I am voting for UKIP is they said they would cut immigration (people entering the country). I think that now we are leaving the EU anyway, make use of it and concentrate on reducing immigrants.”
“We are losing the world’s animals and using up all the resources. People are being careless.”
“So humans and animals are not affected by climate change. Here is one reason – Polar Bears like sitting on ice so, if the pole gets hotter, it will melt, and the polar bears would die. We, too, would also get too hot. Also, if we reduce, fossil fuels then we won’t run out of oil and coal and things we CAN’T renew. So that is why I am voting for the Green Party.”
“The environment is our world, our seas, our trees, our rivers and much more.”
“It is killing many animals and people.”
“I want the Green Party to win as they truly are making the environment better.”
“Global warming is happening and it needs to stop. The Green Party are going to help.”
“Saving our environment has always been a big deal to me. The state of our oceans and the denial of climate change infuriates me, but there is little I can do. The Green Party promises to change this, helping future generations lead a healthy life.”
“It is important to me because I want to make sure the world is a healthy place and that everyone lives in the best condition.”
“This is important to me because due to global warming many terrible things are happening. Also, air pollution is killing lots of people.”
“It’s important because it’s killing lots of innocent animals, and causing green house gases, and making our air harder to breathe.”
“I’m concerned about the health of animals and humans and we need to look after our planet because it’s getting very polluted.”
“This is important to me as, in 60 years, the world could be a rubbish dump. Lots of businesses aren’t doing very much. Coca Cola need to change their plastic bottles to something else, there needs to be a fine on littering, Donald Trump needs to know that global warming isn’t a hoax, the government need to make selling diesel cars illegal. They should fine businesses millions and millions of pounds that aren’t doing anything to help stop global warming. The lives of many are at risk. No one realises in 50 years, if global warming doesn’t stop, global warming will be the biggest killer in the world. Hospitals will be packed. If a crisis like this happens, it could be the end. Children may never be able to see an island which hasn’t turned into factory and they may only have one park in their area. The government needs to do something about it but at the moment it is getting worse. This is why pollution is my biggest worry.”
“Our future generations wouldn’t get a good life if the environment wasn’t good in their time.”
“If this isn’t fixed then lots of species will become extinct and this will be bad and make me feel sad.”
“This is important to me because I have asthma and, at the moment, walking by a main road is like smoking!”
“The environment is extremely important to me because it is getting worse in this particular country and we could possibly help other countries face this terrible problem.”
“I want someone who believes fully in climate change and will do something to repair it.”
“It is important to me because we are damaging the world we live in by polluting it. The environment is a very important issue although nothing is being done. Animals, plants and corals are suffering terribly because we are not looking after the world we live in. Labour has promised to help the environment and other important issues so they get my vote.”
“This is important to me because if all animals die what is the point in zoos? Also why do people cut down trees? It stops oxygen in our world. Global warming is the main problem because it kills animals and trees and melts the Arctic so more floods happen!”
“This is important to me because it affects the whole world and could end it, and I think that we should be doing more about it.”
“I find this important because a lot of animals are becoming extinct because of us not being environmentally friendly.”
“I think it’s our responsibility as humans to clean up the wonderful world we’re ruining. We have a limited amount of fossil fuels, space and water. The poles are melting, sea levels are rising and animals are dying. We need to fix this. If we continue to spoil our earth, we’ll have dug ourselves a hole too deep to dig ourselves out of. The faster we act, the shallower the hole (metaphorically speaking) will be to dig ourselves out of. We can’t reverse the mistakes of the past, but we can fix them. This is why I feel so passionate about the enviroment.”
“It is important to me because pollution is killing people by the second. It needs to stop.”
“The environment is my biggest concern because, if pollution continues, we will get more extreme weather and floods.”
“The Earth is changing dramatically, and not in a good way. All the environmental problems have been caused by us, and now it’s up to is to put it right. I am strongly against leaving climate change to itself because it is not going to get any better unless we do something. This is exactly what the Green Party want to do, so I naturally voted for them.”
“I’m quite concerned about the ice-packs melting, and the Rainforest being cut down. I care about the Rainforest and the animals that live there because, without the rainforest, there will be more greenhouse gasses that will contribute to global warming and melting the ice-packs melting. ”
“I am worried that some species of animals are going to get extinct and never be seen again. So I think that it is important that the Green Party win the election and that they/he/her will make a great effect on the world and its amazing nature. By voting for them they could stop any animals or plants or anything close to extinction from not being seen again.”
“I could choose millions of topics but I believe the world NEEDS environmental help and the wonderful animals NEED to be kept safe. For example: If all the trees were chopped down then we would have no air. If all the animals were gone, then who knows what the earth would be like!”
“Climate change is coming quickly and I believe we need to do everything we can to save our planet.”
“I want to be a marine biologist and I don’t want to pollute the sea and kill the environment for creatures that have been on our planet way longer than even the oldest person. They really have more of a right to this planet than we do.”
“It is not being taken seriously enough, eg, Donald Trump believes it is not real. The world isn’t paying enough attention to it.”
“People deserve to live a life knowing they don’t have to worry about the environment and that the world is safe. You should be able to breathe clean, fresh air without worrying what you are breathing. A better environment would help people live happier, healthier lives.”
“There is only one Earth so we need to respect it.”
“One day we are going to destroy our planet if we carry on being so polluted.”
“We need to save our world and stop climate change.”
“I love animals and plants so I think it is important to keep everyone and everything safe.”
“If we don’t act soon many people (and animals) will face, and are already facing, hard times. Deserts will get drier, making it nearly impossible to find water and, as an alarming number of trees are being cut down, there will be way more Carbon Dioxide in our air. I want to keep our planet healthy and know that we have many more generations to live.”
“Our future depends on it.”
“I CARE ABOUT THE ENVIRONMENT SO WE CAN STOP GLOBAL WARNING SO WE CAN LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“I want the planet to become a healthier place for everyone to live in.”
“This is important to me because there are a lot of endangered animals and species in the world and I personally want to help with that.”
“Some school children in London have made a pledge and the Greens, Labour and Lib Dems have all agreed to sign it because we need to protect our environment.”
· 8 years ago
I agree with all labour's policies, get people off the street is the main one for me, however, where will they find the money? Corbyn seems to think it grows on trees. the labour party would borrow leaving Britain in even more debt than before (wich will not help get a soft Brexit)
shpee · 8 years ago
Why did conservatives come second? They've had nothing but awful policies so far!
1isme · 8 years ago
I think that the Labour Party has a bright future. Most people between 18 and 40 support Labour and now this has proven that even younger members of society, like us, are hoping for a Labour Government. I think that Britain's future is very likely to have a Left-wing government. The Green Party also have more votes in young people than in the over 18 polls (2-4%).
I think that Britain's future is in safe hands. The NHS is likely to thrive in a Labour government (let us not fovrget that Labour created the NHS in 1948).I also think that Brexit (our main concern) would be carried out well by Labour and Britain will get what it voted for. They will also not under any circumstances let my country (Scotland) become Independent. This was on of my mane concerns. I hope you vote for Labour.
· 8 years ago
Theresa May is a terrible leader- she thinks she can win the election just by telling everyone she's so `strong and stable '!
Sashgirl06 · 8 years ago
I'm happy Labour won the First News election. My first choice would be Lib-Dems if I was going to vote, but Labour's my second favourite political party. It makes me angry that Theresa May said lots of negative stuff about Corbyn during he campaign. Don't just diss the other parties, tell us what you have that will help Britain! I'm fed up of her acting like Jeremy Corbyn is completely rubbish, when he's actually got some pretty good ideas, and it's not exactly like Theresa May's perfect herself, is she?
annitdm15 · 8 years ago
I really don't know which party to go for....
annitdm15 · 8 years ago
Like , I didn't know.
banjoblaze · 8 years ago
There's a small party called the animal welfare party; spread the news about them to our generation and when we're older they might be our leaders!
If not, go green!
· 8 years ago
I am happy but would have loved CONSERVATIVES to win
· 7 years ago
I think that the result was REALLY good!