Samir is a teenager living in the Calais “jungle”
Child Refugees

Orphan Samir is one of hundreds of young people, stranded and alone, living in the Calais migrant camp, known as the jungle. He has been there for a year and wants to get to Britain to be with his uncle.
mayster · 8 years ago
uniquepika · 8 years ago
He must be really upset with no family.
olivw · 8 years ago
I cant believe children travel so far on their own - why are thee so many wars all of a sudden and why are governments not doing enough to stop the wars and help the children and their families fleeing them -sick
k.g · 8 years ago
I have heard a lot about the Calais jungle. I feel so sorry for the people who live there and I hope someday that they will all manage to come to Britain and find a home.
farlington · 8 years ago
Sad????????isn't it?
Kids1 · 8 years ago
i feel bad for him
Kids1 · 8 years ago
why must earth be like this?
evadore · 8 years ago
I know it must be hard for him and the other people, but I also find this Calais jungle place quite fascinating.