TOP TIPS: Top ten tips for writing a newspaper report ? ?
Special Report

FANCY yourself a career in journalism? First News editor in chief Nicky Cox shares her top ten tips for writing a newspaper report with all you budding writers out there!
1. Choose an interesting event or happening to write about.
2. The first paragraph should tell the whole story in as few words as possible, so that, even if someone reads no further, they will know what has happened.
3. Add more detail to the report over the next few paragraphs putting the most important information near the top. If reports end up being too long for the newspaper, they should always be able to be cut from the bottom.
4. Make sure that your report answers the six WH and H questions. WHAT happened? WHEN did it happen? WHERE did it happen? WHY did it happen? WHO did it happen to? HOW did it happen?
5. Try to include some quotes in your report. You might need to interview someone for it. This will make your story more interesting.
6. Don’t waste or make the report too long, keep the sentences short and punchy.
7. Read back over your report to make sure that it all makes sense.
8. Check your facts.
9. Check your spelling!
10. Finally, think of a good headline for your report that will grab the attention of your readers and will make them want to read it.
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